Tips for good health. Your Health In Your Hands ! (2020)
Tips for good health. Your Health In Your Hands ! (2020)
we give you some tips of how you can take your health in your hands.
Hello Friends Hi, we give you some tips of how you can take your health in your hands. Meaning what we are trying to impress upon you all is that you and you alone are responsible for your health, you and you alone, enjoy your own health. Therefore, you and you alone should take care of your health, our bodies very intelligent, and it loves you the most. If you ever think who loves you the most, it is your own body, it heals without you telling it to heal. It grows big, without you telling it to grow big. It does all the functions without you telling it to do so. So your body's very intelligent, and your body loves you the most. All we need to do is understand how it functions, what it requires, and give it all that it requires, then your body will never ever get sick, your body will never give you any pain, your body will never give you any disease.
The vision and mission of karma hell series of videos is to wake you up and tell you that please, it's high time that you take your health in your hands, you should take care of your own health. That is very important. Our body is like a car, we are sitting in the driving seat of our car. Now you tell me who is supposed to drive the car, who's supposed to maneuver the car V, we cannot expect our neighbor or the person sitting next to us to drive our car, if we are sitting in our driving seat. Similarly, our bodies in our hands. And we and we alone can look after it and should look after your body is the only companion which is going to be there with you for the next 70 years. 80 years for as long as you live.
So it is your best and only companion. It is the only person who never leaves you till you leave this earth. So that's why it's high time we understand that we need to take our health in our own hands. Our series are here only to help you understand what the body needs, give it what it needs, and it will give you what you need. Secondly, very important to understand is that health is in five levels. One, there is the physical health, which is the physical body. Second is the emotional health. What I feel, how I feel, why I feel that is the emotional health. Why do I feel like crying? or Why do I get anxious? What should I do for my panic attacks? Why do I feel depressed. So that is all about emotional health. The third health which is there is called the mental health.
Our mind needs to be occupied constructively. If you don't use it constructively, it starts functioning destructively. So you need to be the master of your mind and not let your mind master you. So we shall be working on our mental health also. The fourth health is the financial health. Meaning we need to be financially sound, we need to have food, we need to have clothing, we need to have housing, we need to be physically comfortable. If we are not physically comfortable. We cannot be emotionally or mentally comfortable, we will be disturbed. So financial health is also very important. In karma health, we shall also be discussing how to maintain financial health. The fifth health is the spiritual health. What we see is a physical body.
But the main energy behind that body which makes the body work which makes the body walk which makes the body feel which makes the body think that is an energy body. That energy body also needs to be healed. And healthy, in karma, hell, we shall also be talking about our energy body, we shall be talking about meditation, we shall be talking about how to heal our chakras, how to heal disease through correction of energy, but that is a little later. To begin with, we shall start and talk about mental health, emotional health, and physical health. Only when we are healthy, or all the five levels, we can be truly happy. Only when we are happy, we can give happiness to others. When we can give happiness to others, we will get happiness in return.
If you have ever seen that there are many very famous popular people who have gained a lot of materialistic things. They have gained popularity and lots of materialistic things, but they all end up with drugs, they all kill themselves with drugs. Why does that happen? It is because they are not spiritually healthy. Once you attain all that is required materialistically when you have lots of time on hand, because materialistically you are feel fulfilled, we need to devote all our time to our spiritual health. spiritual health is a very nice topic.
learn all the little tips we give you to stay healthy and happy. It is my sincere desire that all of us on this earth be happy with all the little simple tips which the Creator has given each one of us but only thing is that we are not choosing it. We are not realizing it, We shall definitely look into all those also. Thank you very much for Reading.
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