Type of Twin Pregnancy How Twins are formed How twins baby born during Pregnancy in human
Type of Twin Pregnancy How Twins are formed How twins baby born during Pregnancy in human
In this article we will talk about phones during pregnancy twins are basically classified under two broad categories, fraternal twins and identical twins. So let's talk about the fraternal twins.
How Twins are formed How twins baby born during Pregnancy
First, when the egg from the female is fertilized by the sperm, the fertilized egg is known as like God, but sometimes what happens that the female releases two eggs and these two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm from the whale. So here there is a formation of two zygote and so the dizygotic twins formed in the womb as the formation of these two zygote are from two different sperms and two different views. Here we get to non identical twins, each of the embryo or the zygote implants in the womb as a separate entity, as the implantation is different, they would have different placenta, different amniotic sac and why the placenta and the umbilical cord the babies in the womb get their food and oxygen and the blood supply.
So these type of twins are known as the fraternal twins or technically as they are having the two separate placenta, they are also known as dichorionic. Whether these tools are male or female, this cannot be said they can be either of them, or they can be seen as well. Now, parents of fraternal twins is quite different. However, in some of the cases, they may look same as well. Now let's talk about the identical twins. In identical twins, only one of them is fertilized by one sperm and when this fertilized egg implants in the womb, the way it implants itself gives us the three categories of the identical twins, the number one category is there is a possibility that before implantation, the embryo splits itself into two embryos, and these two embryos will implant in the womb differently and they will behave just like the fraternal twins that we have talked about.
This type of identical twins will have the separate play centers and separate intersects so they are quite like the fraternal twins, but as they have come from the same fertilized egg, the sex of the students will be the same, they will either be two girls or the two boys. The number second category of the implantation type of identical twin will be at the embryo implants in the womb, and after that, it splits so as the splitting is there only after the implantation the placenta will be one However, they will have the separate amniotic sacs the third category of identical twin would be when the embryo implants in the womb to have one placenta, but after some time later, it splits and so there is only one percenter there and only one amniotic sac that is shared between the twins.
So as this type of tools are having only the one placenta and the one amniotic sac that is they are mono chorionic and as well as photo amniotic. So the short term given for this type of twins are Momo twins. However, the twins that is sharing the placenta, but they are having the different amniotic sacs are known as monochorionic twins. So in case of the fraternal twins and identical twins that are having the different placenta, there is very less risk because they are having their own percenters and the old am not exact so they will get the proper food, proper supply of oxygen and blood from the mother.
However, if the placenta is same, or they're not exact is same, there's more chances that these types of twins needs to be probed. Often, why the ultrasounds because they are having the high risk, high complications. And most of the time when there is only one percenter and one amniotic sac as in the case of the identical twins, the chances of premature delivery increases. So if you want to know whether you are having the fraternal twins or the identical twins, there is one test that is known as diversity test. You can ask her gynecologist if you want to verify this in some of the cases when the split is there.
I hope you would be having some of your cushions you can definitely comment down. If you like this information don't forget to share with your friends. Stay healthy.
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